Vacation Planning

Adventure Seeker Vacation Planning USA, National Parks, Adventure Spirit Specializing in Offroad Experiences  Where & When Give me where you want to explore and the timeline. Specific dates if possible, or a range of how many days to explore.  Who is Going Are you...

Motivational Speaker

Motivational Speaker Life, Business, Adventure Specializing in Adventure Themes  Where Settings are adjustable from Stages, Large Groups, Small Groups, even Campfires.  Who Adults or Kids. Casual or Formal. Club or Business. You let me know and I will adjust.  Why...

Garage Organize & Cleanout

Organize and/or Cleanout Garage, Shop, Yards, Houses Specializing in Offroad, Vehicle, Shops  Goal Setting Let’s figure out what is needed. Just wanting to get things organized or a full cleanout?  I Work WITH You Cleaning out can have it’s emotional...

Get Started

Let’s Get Started Life/Business Coach Motivational Speaker Offroad Education Garage Cleanouts Vacation Planning PR & Marketing Event Management Join the Store Set up a Call Email me your availability for today/tomorrow to jump on a short call about what your...

Life Coach

1 On 1 Coaching with Charlene Bower Life, Health, Career, Travel Start Shaping Your New Life Today  Goal Setting You want something? Let’s get it! Form a list of goals that help you rank priorities while understanding that Grace and change play a significant...