1 On 1 Coaching with Charlene Bower
Life, Health, Career, TravelStart Shaping Your New Life Today
Goal Setting
You want something? Let’s get it! Form a list of goals that help you rank priorities while understanding that Grace and change play a significant role.
Relationship Coaching
People have different personalities and understanding how you relate to each style can be a challenge. Family, Friends, Co-Workers .
Stress Management
Let’s identify where it is coming from then start to understand how to manage it differently. Health & Wellness and family sit at the center of finding your balance.
Career Advice
I love business! There are so many ways to be successful in today’s economy. Let’s outline your goals, identify knowledgebase and push you to the next level!
Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching
Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?
Let’s work together to identify what that looks like and then put a plan together to get it handled. It can be a long-term goal set that keeps up in constant communication or it can be a short-term project where you need someone on your side right now. Regardless of the timeline or topic, we can be successful together.
What Is Life Coaching?
We Build a Vision for the Future
You understand the category or categories of your world that you would like to be different and we develop how you want it to look.
We Break it Down into Steps
We look at the ladder of steps between here and there, then build a set of steps that need to happen to get there.
Goals Are Good
Goals scare people because they can create failure, but we will look at them as accomplishable with Grace if they need to adjust along the way.
Accountability Partner
Then we work the process ~ together. As a coach my goal is to help you with different tools and perspectives to achieve your goals. Plus we get to celebrate hitting the little and big goals together!
How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?
I work with Ladies and Men that want someone on their team that can be an advocate to say the hard things that you may need to hear to be successful. Multiple perspectives and options are set out in a discussion format for you to create your own path.
Do You Need Me on Your Team?
Everything that we discuss and work through is confidential. I am on your team 100%. Sometimes we feel like there is no one to talk to or trust in setting our next layer of goals. I get it and I am here for you!
I do offer to be an advocate and help with paperwork, physically and mentally. If you are in the middle of a challenge, you are not alone. Let me see how I can help you. (I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice, but can help you navigate through who needs to help you!)
Are You Open to New Ideas?
I will offer different perspectives on the same topic. Warning: I am a LIBRA. 🙂 My job is to offer a lot of different solutions and ideas (maybe too many) and we will work together to balance them out to what you feel works best for you to accomplish successfully.
Do You Want to UP Level?
The definition of UP Level is personal so we will figure out what that means to you. It could be having a cleaner house, it could be jumping to the next level in your career.
Are You Ready For Something New?
Is it time to :wigglewiggle: out of the position that you have found yourself in? Tired of the rut and need a bump and some motivation to get out of it? This is where we figure out what the world looks like ~ if it revolved around you ~ as it should ~ and then start to define how to get there.
Do You Like to Laugh While Doing Hard Work?
Hitting goals isn’t always the easiest, but it can be done and in a way that can be fun. My personality always affords a good laugh, some pointed humor, some go get-em moments, and then huge smiles and high-fives after a good cry. Every emotion is good and ok ~ because we always find our laugh at the end. <3
My Approach
It’s all about you…and what you want to accomplish out of having an accountability partner to get to the top of your game. I am goal oriented and like to put a plan together that is obtainable, reasonable, yet pushes us a little farther than we would ourselves. We will be honest about the reality of time, money and effort and what each goal will take to make it happen. We will discuss multiple options and ways to get to a goal with grace and understanding that change along the way is OK. Unfortunately, not much happens over night, so knowing that we are working together for long-term success is exciting and rewarding! YES, YOU CAN!

How It Works
Schedule a Free 1:1
Let’s set 30 minutes aside to chat about what you are looking for and to ensure that we can line up together to accomplish those goals. No goal is unobtainable or scary, but we need to initialize the plan so I understand how to help you be successful.
Choose a Coaching Plan
We will set up a plan that works for you. Is there a short deadline or is it a bigger long-term picture. We will determine the best time and ways to communicate and budget that makes sense. Anything is possible.
Reach Your Goals
Let’s do this! We will work our plan and set short step goals to get to the bigger ones. You may need a little push to hit the next step. Rewards are important, and you will figure out what makes sense to you. High-Fives, Heck Yea’s are all part of it! We Got This!
2 Week Coaching Package
It’s all about Getting Started! Let’s chat about your ideas. Let’s put a plan together. Let’s work on some goals to get you going. Then you are off to execute them! Includes 4 x 1 Hour Sessions plus Worksheet Completion.
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Help me Help you! Let’s figure out what you need are looking to accomplish and let’s set up a out line of steps and goals so you can achieve them! Although we work together in the beginning to set up the plan, this opportunity is left for you to execute the plan on your own. (Although I never really leave you because I want to hear about your successes!!)
4 Week Coaching Package
You can Make a Change in a Month! We continue to meet for an additional 2 weeks to take on bigger projects or needing more consistent motivation. Includes, a total of 8 x 1 Hour Sessions plus Worksheets and Goal Hitting!
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This gives us more time to execute the plan! Working together and getting things done!
8 Week Coaching Package
Everything takes time. We will meet consistently for 8 weeks. The first 4 weeks will be 2 x 1 hour sessions, then we will decide on how we need to break up the second 4 weeks to meet your needs, usually 1 x 1 hour sessions.
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And even more time to execute the plan. Great option for a multiple level or business oriented situation. The first four weeks are heavy on the goal work and then we will work together to understand how we need to scale the rest of our time together to be most successful for you. Email, Text and other options come into play for success.
Declutter Your World
POPULAR!! What is cluttering up your space ~ either physical or mental? Are you in a weird funk and can’t figure out the why, or how to get out of the rut? Let’s work together to understand what is in the space and then find some different ways to overcome the clutter! Includes 4 x 1 Hour Sessions plus Worksheet Completion.
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Sometimes we just don’t know what we need…but by talking it out and doing the work we can figure it out. This option is all about you. I lead with some questions and really let you do all the talking. There isn’t as much “coaching” and “goal setting” as there is discovery and organization of the bigger picture.
This very popular start helps us understand how we can put a longer timeline plan together that helps you.
Your Advocate
Need someone on your team to help you with paperwork, difficult contractors, legal things, family deaths, house cleanouts, divorce or child custody structure, restraining orders, etc? You will need to do the appropriate paperwork for your city, county, state ~ but I can help you navigate through the tough waters physically and mentally. You are tough enough to do it all, but sometimes you need the right people on your team to help you rise up. **I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advise**
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No one likes paperwork, especially when emotions are involved. I help by taking out the emotional state to help with the business and legal side to getting the situation handled.
I have helped people with everything from custody battles and restraining orders to contractor disputes. I have helped with wills/trusts and being an executor. I am in NO WAY a legal expert, but helping you get to the right people and put together a plan of action with data is one of my talents.
Let’s chat about what your goals and strategies are. You may feel comfortable starting with a timeline package, or you may want to put together a year-long strategy. I am open and helpful to make it successful for YOU!
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It’s all about YOU! Let’s chat 🙂 We will have fun CRUSHING YOUR GOALS!!!