Organize and/or Cleanout
Garage, Shop, Yards, HousesSpecializing in Offroad, Vehicle, Shops
Goal Setting
Let’s figure out what is needed. Just wanting to get things organized or a full cleanout?
I Work WITH You
Cleaning out can have it’s emotional moments. I work with you, or if better we can do it all.
Dealing with a Loss
It’s hard to lose a loved one, even harder when there is a whole lifetime in a garage or yard.
Value Everywhere
It was saved for a reason. We try to move it on to someone that respects the value.
Helping You Find Success While Cleaning
Is it time to organize or cleanout your Garage?
It’s OVERWHELMING. It’s ALOT. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know where to start. These are all REASONABLE statements and I get it. Sometimes you just need a buddy to get it started. Or sometimes you just need it done for you. We work within your thoughts of organizing, identifying and even selling.
If you are managing the estate of a loved one that passed away and the garage/shop/vehicle space feels overwhelming, this is our specialty! We will work with you and your timeline to help clean out the space and bring back the best value to you and your family. There are many options, and they don’t all have to be your challenge. Yes, we can do the house too.
What Do We Do?
We Uncover the Awesomness!
It is there for a reason. We respect that.
We Identify and Label!
You know what you have, or we have experts in the field that can help us identify what things are.
Organize it All!
This phase is up to you… We organize it back into areas within your space or we remove it all.
Finding the Awesomeness a New Home!
IF you are ready to release some of the awesomeness, we can help find buyers. There are MANY ways to do this. We will work within your comfort limits.
My Approach
I’m a collector of AWESOME things too! So I get the mentality and the mindset of gathering things for the next big project. 🙂 With being around my Dad and all his buddies, I am familiar with garages and all the amazing things within them. I bring a positive spirit of adventure and not (too) scared to uncover surprise animals along the way. It is all about success and comfort.
Beware: I am the weird one that is super excited to see what has been collected over the years and help you feel better about your space.

Not Overwhelming
I guarantee that this whole IDEA is overwhelming!! I get it. My goal with everything that we do is to NOT be overwhelming. When you are done for the time, that is fine…but I will keep working and create piles for you to manage when you come back after a nap or the next day. I get it. We laugh and get excited about cool things!
I respect stress levels, I have one too. I respect other people being in your stuff, I don’t like it either. So, we work together. There is no cliff too big for us to overcome.
How It Works
Schedule a Free 1:1
Lets set up a time to chat about your project. What is your timeline? How big is the space? What is the goal ~ organize / sell / remove / or a combo?
Put a Plan Together
We will develop a plan that works for both of us. We will look at the calendar and schedule when to take on Phase 1 as a team.
We Get Busy
Depending on the plan, we will execute with positivity. Laughing and Intriguing Questions will happen. Who knew Cleaning could be fun! 🙂
Phase 1 ~ Let’s Meet the Awesomness
Minimum of a day, let’s get oriented with what you have and put a real plan together of how to go about organizing. The goal is NOT to be overwhelming.
$500* + Travel
More Details
I come to you. We decide on a date to come and check out the space and finish putting a plan together. Most likely this will be tied to the first phase of cleaning and getting going. Let’s not waste travel days!
Day Rate + Travel
I have a VERY AFFORDABLE day rate of $500 per person for 8 hours of work. Travel expenses will also need to be covered which can vary depending on location, space and time of year. This should be considered a minimum day rate. See *
More Details
My goal is to always keep things as affordable as possible, BUT no one works for free. We will work within the confines of your time and budget to make sure that you accomplish your goals. There are a lot of options. Open up the conversation with me, don’t let money stop you.
Tools, Containers, Dump Fees, Selling Costs etc
If there are any costs to organizing, they will be discussed as something that you can purchase or I can and will add to the billing.
More Details
If there is a decision to purchase tools for the job, containers, shelving or a 40 ft container to move everything off the property immediately, these will be part of the cost billed to you.
Any selling costs, will be wrapped into the profit of the items and taken into account when doing any discussed payouts.
If dumpsters or dump runs become a suggestion, those will be discussed on how to most effectively use our time and money.
What does * Mean?
There is a value to everything and I understand that cash may not be fluient. There are a lot of options to trade time for items that I can sell and turn into cash. There are also items that have no value to you or in the marketplace that will be something I am interested in putting into my collection. There will be conversations so that no one feels taken advantage of on either side. Let’s all be generous and kind.